Southern Celebration Magazine Winner!
I was sitting at my daughters volleyball tournament when I received this email - "Congratulations! We've polled our readers across the South and they've told us that your venue is the most sought after wedding venue in your state!"
I was shocked, honored & excited for all our couples who will get married at the Brick Ballroom, wedding venue in northwest Arkansas!
Go check it out here -

-ALABAMA Hampton Cove Wedding Plantation -ARKANSAS The Brick Ballroom -DELAWARE The Farmhouse -FLORIDA Club Lake Plantation Wedding Venue -GEORGIA The Cotton Mill Event Venue -KENTUCKY The Barn at Cedar Grove -LOUISIANA The White Magnolia -MARYLAND 1840s Plaza -MISSISSIPPI Desert Plantation -NORTH CAROLINA Biltmore -OKLAHOMA Coles Garden -SOUTH CAROLINA Tanglewood Plantation -TENNESSEE Belle Meade Plantation Events & Weddings -TEXAS The White Sparrow -VIRGINIA Sundara -WEST VIRGINIA The Greenbrier
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